
Big Al's Burgers and Dogs


Big Al’s Art Agreement

At Big Al’s we’re proud to display the great local art of our community. We’re superexcited to have you be part of our Big Al’s Artist family!

  • Big Al’s Burger’s and Dogs assumes NO LIABILTY for any stolen or damaged pieces, either intentional or unintentional, by customers or employees incurred by art displayed.
  • Big Al’s reserves the right to display, market, promote use and publish any art displayed at Big Al’s in print, online, or in any way that Big Al’s sees as mutually beneficial to both parties for any period of time that Big Al’s sees fit.
  • Artist prepares each piece in the appropriate fashion to be hung, wire cable on back of artwork unless otherwise arranged.
  • All artwork must be labeled in two places. This ensures the proper payment is taken for each piece when sold.
  • Artists will be asked to make changes to their display or remove their work if they don’t abide by the hanging guidelines that were provided through email.
  • Artist needs to email samantha@hotcornerconcepts.com with at least a 24 hour notice that they will be, taking down or rotating artwork. New form must be filled out that accurately lists and describes the current display of work. Artists will not do this during peak business hours which are 11:00pm-2:00pm and 4:30pm-7:30pm.
  • Artists will hang only in the designated wall space allotted to them.
  • Artwork cannot include nudity or profanity since a wide range of ages dine at Big Al’s.

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